New Poll Highlights Alaskans’ Opposition to New Taxes to Pay for Pensions and More Funding to School Districts

Jan 30, 2025 by AFP

ANCHORAGE, AK—A new statewide survey commissioned by Americans for Prosperity-Alaska (AFP-Alaska) makes it clear that Alaskans oppose new taxes. But with the legislature underway and costly proposals like a massive hike in the base student allocation (BSA) and the creation of a new defined benefits pension plan on the table, it’s not clear how the legislature plans to pay for these expensive new programs.

The survey, conducted by Dittman Research, polls more than 400 Alaskans and highlights the policy areas of fiscal policy, education and Alaska’s retirement system.

When asked if they would support introducing a state personal income tax, 65% of respondents were opposed or strongly opposed. Nearly 70% of respondents support requiring a future statewide sales or personal income tax to be approved by a vote of the people.

Similarly, 58% of respondents were opposed to paying a personal income tax to provide more funding to school districts. The survey also found that 62% of respondents believe schools operating with low capacity should look to consolidate school buildings when transportation impact is minimal.

Furthermore, 62% of respondents were not confident of the state’s ability to properly manage the unfunded fiscal liabilities that a new pension plan would bring.

Full survey results can be found HERE. 

AFP-Alaska State Director Bethany Marcum issued the following statement:

“Alaskans’ opposition to new taxes poses a problem for state lawmakers who continue to introduce legislation that will increase spending. Alaskans clearly take pride in the competitive tax environment we now have in the Last Frontier. 

“Lawmakers are instead prioritizing policies that would wreak financial havoc in the state – increasing the BSA without any improvements to a failing system and putting Alaska on the hook for decades of unfunded liabilities with a new defined benefits pension plan. These proposals will cost Alaska billions. Alaskans need to ask their lawmakers how they will pay for these costly plans.  

“This survey clearly demonstrates Alaskans’ opposition to new taxes – the legislature should listen to their constituents and stop introducing proposals that will only lead to new taxes.”