The Big W: No electricity rate hikes in New Hampshire!
What it is: This week, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed two bills that included ratepayer subsidies for above-market renewable energies. AFP-NH voiced strong support for the governor’s actions.
Why it’s important: New Hampshire residents face some of the highest electric rates in country. Gov. Sununu’s veto follows his 10-year energy strategy that focuses on allowing market forces to determine energy investments, rather than relying on costly subsidies, a main driver of the state’s high electricity prices.
The grassroots impact: AFP-NH activists have been vocal with opposition to the two bills all session long. Through meetings and other advocacy tools, they were able to bring attention to the issue, showing how necessary it is to keep electricity rates from increasing.
Prosperity produced: Gov. Sununu’s vetoes mean that Granite Staters get to keep more of the money they earn. It also demonstrates commitment to allowing market forces to determine investments without using subsidies.
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