President Biden’s State of the Union laid out his economic vision for America. Regretfully, his proposals for the country are more of the same: more regulation, reckless spending, and less economic freedom.
These policies have not worked in the past, are not working in the present, and will not work in the future.
Americans prosper when they are free to find better ways to serve each other and struggle when the government puts unnecessary regulations upon them.
Here are some ideas that would break barriers keeping the American people behind:
Over the last few years, rampant government spending has ballooned the national debt to a jaw-dropping $34.6 trillion, which is around $100,000 per person. Excessive spending also caused historic inflation rates, forcing a typical four-person family to pay $11,400 more per year to maintain the same lifestyle they had in early 2021.
The only way to put the inflation and national debt genie back in the bottle is to stop Washington’s spending spree. We must fix Congress’ dysfunctional and archaic budget process to do that.
Here are some ways for Congress to control spending, debt, and inflation:
There is no path toward reigniting the American Dream if we don’t have reliable, cheap, and abundant energy to fuel it.
Americans cannot afford to pay more at the pump. If we want cheap and reliable energy, we need all the help we can get, including making full use of both renewable and fossil fuel energy.
However, the president is picking winners and losers in the energy sector, doling out billions of dollars to green energy companies while viciously fighting the oil, gas, and coal industries.
This false choice between renewable energy and fossil fuels is not helping America. It’s time for us to stop it.
Here are some ideas for bringing cheap, abundant, and reliable energy to all Americans.
Millions of American workers are not happy with their work situation. It is no surprise why: Nominal wages might have gone up, but real wages have not kept up with ever-growing inflation. Hourly real wages have fallen 2.5% since 2021, and weekly wages have fallen 4.5%.
To make matters worse, millions of Americans cannot pursue their professional dreams because an intricate labyrinth of government regulations effectively tells them what, how, and when to work, preventing them from finding their unique skills and fulfilling their potential.
People always do better when allowed to pursue their dreams and goals freely. People, not bureaucrats, should be the ones making their own career decisions.
Here are some of the policies Congress can get passed to help millions of American workers have the career freedom and flexibility they deserve:
Owning a home is a key life milestone for millions of Americans. Yet, many young adults are having trouble finding a home they can afford.
Throwing money at the problem will not solve it but will make it worse. If we want to make housing more affordable, we must make it cheaper for companies to build more homes.
Housing, however, is not an issue that Congress can solve via a one-size-fits-all bill drafted on Capitol Hill. The solutions for affordable housing will come from the people closest to the problem. State and local governments (not Washington) have the best knowledge of the local barriers, needs, and regulations that must be reformed to promote more housing.
Congress, however, can take some positive small steps to make housing more affordable:
Building a strong and prosperous economy is possible. We need the government to respect people’s freedom to choose their path and fulfill their potential.
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