AFP-AL Says CHOOSE Act is Momentous for Alabama as State Becomes 14th in Nation to Enact ESAs
Montgomery, AL–Americans for Prosperity-Alabama (AFP-AL) is celebrating the final passage of the CHOOSE Act which will provide the biggest transformation to Alabama’s education landscape in more than a decade.
AFP-AL supported the legislation early on and is applauding Alabama as it becomes the 14th state to enact an Education Savings Account (ESA) program which will empower families to determine learning choices that work best for them.
AFP-AL State Director, Adam Thompson, made the following statement:
“Every child deserves a fair pathway to an education that meets their unique needs and AFP-AL could not be more excited by today’s passage of the CHOOSE Act. Thank you to Governor Kay Ivey, Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth, President Pro Tem Greg Reed, Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter, Sen. Arthur Orr, Rep. Danny Garrett, and Members of the Legislature for standing in support of education freedom.
“We know that education is not a one-size-fits-all model and oftentimes the best solutions in education don’t come from a top-down approach that narrows options for families. This is a momentous day for Alabama and the future is brighter for school children as barriers to education are removed through this bill.”
The Creating Hope & Opportunity for Our Students’ Education (CHOOSE) Act will empower families with education options to best support each individual learner by establishing universal Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) for those qualified.
AFP-AL ran multiple digital resources in support of the legislation and testified before numerous committees on the need for education freedom. AFP-AL grassroots activists sent more than 1,300 emails to legislators in support of the CHOOSE Act.
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