Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP: White House NEPA Reversal Undermines Infrastructure Efforts

Oct 6, 2021 by AFP

Arlington, Va. – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) expressed disapproval on the White House Council on Environmental Quality’s decision to rescind a rule amending the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that would have improved our ability to build, improve, and maintain infrastructure by facilitating more efficient, effective, and timely NEPA reviews by Federal agencies. Although initially intended to increase awareness over the effects of federal actions on the environment when enacted fifty years ago, NEPA’s vague and ambiguous language has resulted in suboptimal outcomes for agencies, the environment, and taxpayers.

Clint Woods, AFP’s Regulations Policy Fellow, issued the following statement:

“This decision will make it harder, slower, and more expensive to build infrastructure, and is literally the opposite of what we’d need to ‘Build Back Better’. Roads and bridges in need of improvements sit in disrepair for too long due to a sea of red tape that dramatically – and needlessly –  increases the cost and timeline of infrastructure projects. A better approach would be to reverse this decision and keep going with additional reforms that would modernize and streamline the review and permitting process to ensure robust environmental review analyses while limiting delays, reducing taxpayer costs, and ultimately improving our ability to build better infrastructure.”
