AFP-NE: JPA Rejection Protects Lincoln Residents from Unnecessary Bureaucracy and Higher Taxes

May 16, 2018 by AFP

Grassroots group applauds Lincoln City Council and Board of Education for pursuing alternative route for school safety initiatives   

Lincoln, Nebr. – Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska (AFP-NE) on Wednesday commended the Lincoln City Council and Lincoln Board of Education for abandoning a proposal to create a joint public agency (JPA) to administer and fund a school safety and after school initiative, called the Safe and Successful Kids initiative. The city council and school board are currently negotiating on an interlocal agreement where both entities would share the responsibility of managing the Safe and Successful Kids initiative.

AFP-NE launched a digital campaign that empowered Lincoln residents to contact Lincoln City Council and Board of Education members urging them to oppose the misguided proposal.

“More bureaucracy and higher taxes was never an effective solution to better protect our students and children. Rejecting this proposal ensures Lincoln residents do not face even higher tax burdens and the creation of an unaccountable government bureaucracy,” said Jessica Shelburn, AFP-NE State Director. “We thank the Lincoln City Council and Lincoln Board of Education for abandoning this proposal and using existing funds that better serve the interests of our community,” said Jessica Shelburn, AFP-NE State Director.”

For further information or an interview, reach Jessica Shelburn at or (402) 499-6918
