The True Cost Tour hits Georgia, helps offset the rising cost of gas in 2022

Jun 24, 2022 by AFP

True Cost of Washington Tour logo that reads, "Pay More, Get Less" - a reference to Washington's failed policies that are driving inflation, gas prices, and the high cost of living in 2022.

The government is failing to lower prices in the midst of historic inflation across Georgia, as many residents are straining to pay the bills. So, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) decided to step in and provide what government bureaucrats are failing to — real solutions to real problems.

AFP’s True Cost of Washington Tour visited Georgians in Savannah, Lawrenceville, and Atlanta in June to speak with residents about how inflation is impacting their lives and also to help offset the cost of rising food and gas prices.

In Savannah, small businesses forced to raise prices to deal with rising cost of gas

The True Cost Tour stopped by one of Savannah’s gas stations and slashed gas prices, nearly in half, for the day. Residents lined up to pump up with gas that activists set back to $2.38, the price fuel was before President Biden took office.

One woman filling up explained that due to the rising cost of gas over time, she had no choice but to cut the family’s yearly beach vacation and limit the amount she drives.

Another small business owner at the pump lamented that, due to rampant inflation, he’s had to raise prices just to keep up with production and rising shipping costs due to the cost of gas in 2022.

Americans are struggling with the rising cost of gas – and Atlanta is no different

Activists helping bring relief from the high cost of gas in 2022. Three AFP-GA activists stand in front of the True Cost of Washington Tour's "Pay More, Get Less" sign

Lawrenceville, Georgia – June 12: AFP-Georgia helped bring customers relief from the high cost of gas in 2022, lowering the price to $2.38/gallon.

Over in Atlanta, The True Cost Tour stopped by Battery and spoke to numerous other Georgians with similar stories.

One man explained that the cost of gas in 2022 means the fuel bills, for the semis he owns, jumped from $1,500 a month to nearly $4,000 a month within the last year.

A single mom described how she is one of the many Americans living paycheck to paycheck — struggling to pay for the rising cost of food, increasing cost of gas over time and the steep price of childcare.

Multiple business owners said their clients are holding off on making purchases because of high production costs. And one young man described how he had landed his dream job but has so far been unable to afford the cost of gas in 2022 to get there each day.

Activists provide relief for rising prices in Lawrenceville

As the tour pulled into Lawrenceville, rapidly rising cost of food, rent, and gas prices in 2022, were on the top of everyone’s mind there too.

One couple said they were struggling to get by in Lawrenceville and were looking to relocate somewhere cheaper. Unfortunately, the move was being made even more difficult as they factored in transportation costs to leave the area with the cost of gas over time has shown no signs no sign of slowing.

To help offset the pain of needlessly increasing inflation, activists shared gift cards with the residents of Lawrenceville who stopped by to chat and share their stories.

However, the True Cost of Washington Tour isn’t just about providing temporary relief to the residents of Georgia by slashing gas prices and giving out gift cards to offset the price of groceries increasing.

It’s about providing Georgians with the information they need to lower gas prices, food costs, and inflation for good.

On the tour, AFP members spoke to Georgians about how Washington politicians need to be held accountable for their harmful policies that are causing everyone to pay more, just to get less.

The residents agreed. Those who spoke to the us weren’t blaming Putin, Ukraine, or COVID-19 for the current economic mess. They see that it’s the broken policies of Washington that are making it difficult for Georgians to even get by.

Landing page for AFP's True Cost of Washington Tour to lower the cost of gas in 2022 and connect people to how Washington's failed policies are causing inflation and high grocery bills. Join the True Cost of Washington Tour today.

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