Energy costs are rising, and reform is necessary to alleviate their effect on the American people.
Minnesota Republican Congressman Pete Stauber spoke with Americans for Prosperity’s Will Burger Monday to discuss several bills that are vital to unleashing America’s energy potential and removing burdensome regulations.
The TAP American Energy Act (H.R. 9087), and the Permitting for Mining Needs Act of 2023 (H.R. 209) look to improve the permitting process across the energy landscape.
These bills align with the Lower Energy Costs Act (H.R. 1).
Stauber is excited about the TAP American Energy Act because it extends across several spaces including mining, the National Environmental Policy Act and construction.
Support is growing for this piece of legislation and he’s looking forward to getting it approved in the House and moved forward to the Senate.
“It allows for transparency, accountability, timeframes, certainty and understanding with all people involved in the process. It gives everybody a voice. That’s what the industry needs. That’s what America needs,” Congressman Stauber said.
“We need to reform our permitting process. This is it. We need to mine in this country. We need to process in this country, and we need to manufacture in this country. This helps us do it right now.”
As a Minnesota native, the Permitting for Mining Needs Act of 2023 is near and dear to Stauber.
According to him, mining is Minnesota’s past, present and future. The state has the biggest copper nickel find in the world, 95% of this nation’s nickel reserve, almost 90% of the cobalt and over a third of the copper and other platinum group metals.
“So, when you combine that opportunity, we have the workforce to do it, but not the political will. This administration put a mining ban on Northeastern Minnesota. So, it’s very critical that we’ve removed the politics and allowed the permitting process to go forward in a way that gives certainty.”
Read our statement on the U.S. House of Representatives passing H.R. 1 and learn how this bill would help lower energy costs for Americans struggling with high prices.
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