“I would unite with anyone to do right, and nobody to do harm.” – Frederick Douglass
Join fellow South Carolinians who are building a broad-based, bipartisan coalition to reform our antiquated criminal justice system.
Working together, we can change our criminal justice system for the better. As Frederick Douglass said, “we will work with anyone to do right, and no one to do harm.”
With your help, you can be a part of the solution and make a real difference in South Carolina.
Click here to join the coalition!
We are working towards a justice system that keeps communities safe, respects human dignity, aids in rehabilitation, and recognizes the potential in every individual to transform their life and contribute to society. By the end of the 2021 legislative session, we want to significantly reform the antiquated South Carolina criminal justice system.
Today, our criminal justice system does not adequately prioritize redemption. We need a less punitive system that truly focuses on rehabilitation. We have a two-tiered criminal justice system that treats the rich and guilty better than the poor and innocent. It traps poor people, who have the fewest resources, in the system.
There is a better way. With certain targeted changes to the system, we can provide a safer environment for our families, provide second chances to the people that deserve them, and build trust between law enforcement and their communities.
We can build a system that’s smart on crime, and soft on taxpayers.
Civil asset forfeiture enables, and incentivizes, the government to seize our property without having to convict—or even arrest or file charges against property owners.
H.3619 – The Criminal Asset Forfeiture Act would abolish civil asset forfeiture
Passing the legislation that we need to achieve meaningful criminal justice reform is going to require a broad and diverse coalition of people, ready and willing to take the steps that will bring about the change we need.
That’s why we’re organizing a series of events to help educate the public and raise awareness about the importance of criminal justice reform!
In the interest of the safety and health of all attendees, we are postponing all CJR Coalition meetings in the immediate future.
Please visit the page if you would like to stay active and involved in other ways!
Thank you for your support! It’s thanks to hardworking leaders like you that South Carolina will one day have a criminal justice system that’s based on human dignity, not confused priorities.
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