Your weekly round-up of the major wins making headlines thanks to AFP’s grassroots activists across the country (February 26 –March 2)
The Big W: Wisconsin legislators advance right-to-try legislation
What it is: Right-to-try legislation would allow terminally ill patients access to more medication and treatment. The FDA approval process is bogged down with so much regulation and red tape that patients could wait years for potentially lifesaving treatment. This legislation would allow more people to try these experimental medications and treatments while they are in the approval process.
Why it’s important: Wisconsin patients who wish to try new treatments will now be able to access some medications with greater ease. Those medications could potentially save their lives. But the impact of this legislation is bigger than Wisconsin. Federal regulations prevent millions of Americans from accessing experimental treatment. Wisconsin’s passage of right-to-try should give Washington even more reason to act.
What you can do: Right to Try legislation enjoys broad bipartisan support. A bill has cleared the U.S. Senate but has been stuck in the House Energy and Commerce Committee for months, despite calls from President Donald Trump to send a bill to his desk. These new laws in Wisconsin can help drive a national conversation on right-to-try so we can cut back on regulations and bring the same relief to all states. Sign here to tell Washington you believe terminally-ill patients deserve the right to try.
The grassroots impact: AFP-Wisconsin has been calling on lawmakers to pass this bill through phone calls, petitions and emails. This sets the stage for activists all over the country to call on their senators and representatives to introduce and support right-to-try legislation on a federal level.
Prosperity produced: Right-to-try legislation is an issue of freedom and compassionate care. Terminally ill patients shouldn’t suffer further because of the regulations keepings the FDA from approving new treatments and medications. Patients should have the right to try out experimental treatments and medications in the approval process that could save or extend their lives.
Stay tuned for more wins from Americans for Prosperity!
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