Statement on District Court Temporarily Halting Chartering of Community Choice Schools

Sep 12, 2023 by AFP

HELENA, MONT. – Last week, District Court Judge Chris Abbott granted a preliminary injunction to halt the implementation of HB 562, the Community Choice Schools Act (CCSA), in Felchle v. Montana. 

Upon the news, Americans for Prosperity-Montana Legislative Director Henry Kriegel released the following statement: 

“We view Judge Chris Abbott’s order as a momentary obstacle in the fight for school choice in Montana. AFP remains optimistic that HB 562 will ultimately prevail in court, ensuring that Montana parents and students can access the same high-quality education options found in 46 other states. 

“Parents, teachers and proponents of HB562 will persist in gathering at the local level to formulate strategies for the eventual establishment of community choice schools in our area. Simultaneously, the Community Choice School Commission will continue its efforts to prepare the foundation for the future opening of these schools. 

“AFP remains committed to ensuring that parents have access to the education that best meets the individual needs of their child, including Community Choice Schools so that they can reach their full potential.”