New Report Finds Energy Standard in Biden-Sanders’ Reconciliation Bill Would Cause Energy Rates to Skyrocket

Nov 3, 2021 by AFP

“This new report shows that the Green New Deal style mandates will kill jobs and force West Virginia families to pay an extra $1,1000 a year.”

CHARLESTON, WV – Americans for Prosperity – West Virginia (AFP-VW) is launching a new advertising campaign that shows how the so-called clean energy standard in the Biden-Sanders reconciliation package would cause energy bills to increase $1,100 a year in the state. West Virginians have been proudly powering our nation for decades. We know that innovation is the best path to a better environment, not more of the same failed top-down government mandates represented by the Green New Deal style policies coming from D.C. politicians.

The ads highlight statistics from a Center of the American Experiment study that found the Clean Electricity Performance Program (CEPP) would cost $1,100 per customer every year through 2052.

AFP-WV is pushing out a digital campaign urging people to tell Congress to reject the plan.

AFP-WV State Director Jason Huffman released the following statement:

“Senator Joe Manchin said yesterday he wants to see how the Biden-Sanders’ spending spree will impact Americans. This new report shows that the Green New Deal style mandates will kill jobs and force West Virginia families to pay an extra $1,1000 a year. Higher utility bills affect everyone, but disproportionally hurt Mountain State families who are already struggling to make ends meet. AFP-WV is calling on all of our representatives in Washington to reject this absurd government takeover of American’s energy consumption.”