Iowans Could Face New $300 Per Year Gas Tax Burden, Report Finds

Apr 11, 2019 by AFP

Iowans Could Face New $300 Per Year Gas Tax Burden, New Report Finds
Grassroots group unveils updated analysis of 25-cent per gallon federal gas tax increase

DES MOINES, Iowa – Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce released an updated state-by-state analysis of the impact a 25-cent per gallon federal gas tax hike would have on Americans and virtually every aspect of the economy. According to the report, households across all fifty states would face hundreds of dollars in higher taxes at the pump. Notably, Iowans would face a new tax burden of $303 per year.

The report is part of AFP’s campaign to educate and encourage lawmakers to implement solutions to improve the country’s infrastructure without imposing additional tax burdens on consumers.

“Lawmakers should be doing everything they can to make it easier, not harder for Iowans to make ends meet. Increasing our gas tax would make it more expensive to drive to work and pay for everyday goods, leaving less hard-earned money in our pockets and for our families,” said Americans for Prosperity-Iowa State Director Drew Klein. “There are better ways to address our infrastructure challenges without burdening Iowans with more taxes.”

VIEW: State-by-State Analysis of a 25-Cent Per Gallon Federal Gas Tax Increase

In addition to the report, the grassroots group will launch digital ads encouraging Rep. Abby Finkenauer, who sits on the Highway and Transit Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure committee, to oppose any efforts to increase the gas tax and instead prioritize key reforms that will improve our nation’s infrastructure such as:

  • Preserving federal infrastructure dollars for targeted construction projects of a national priority;
  • Unleashing private investment in infrastructure assets;
  • Returning power and responsibility to the states wherever possible;
  • Overhauling the regulatory and permitting system to improve outcomes and efficiency; and
  • Eliminating costly and unfair labor restrictions.

AFP has long maintained that there are better ways to address our nation’s infrastructure challenges than asking taxpayers to reach back into their pockets to funnel more money into a broken system. The economy is booming in large part to the tax and regulatory reforms that Congress and the administration have implemented, and we urge them not to undermine that success by clawing back that tax relief at the gas pump.