In case you missed it… Americans for Prosperity-Arizona State Director Andrew Clark authored an op-ed in the Arizona Republic focusing on the rigged economy that would be created for special interests by proposition 127 that will appear on November’s ballot.
The piece ran yesterday in the Arizona Republic and can be viewed here.
This November, Arizonans will see a ballot measure that would amend the state constitution mandating what type of energy sources public utilities can use, while letting the government quash free market competition. If the measure passes, Arizonans can expect higher utility bills and the loss of thousands of jobs.
“Constitutions are for ensuring everyone is treated the same, not conferring special rights on a politically favored few,” said Andrew Clark, state director for Americans for Prosperity-Arizona. “Prop. 127 assaults this notion of equal protection for the sole purpose of securing a government mandate that picks winners (renewable-energy companies) and losers (everyone else) in our electricity market, with complete disregard for the effects this could have on the pocketbooks of millions of families across the state.”
For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at or (571) 329-0161.
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