MILWAUKEE, WI— Yesterday, AFP-WI activist Jamiroquan Kittler joined Fox6 to discuss AFP-WI’s opposition to plans to provide hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to fund stadium improvements for American Family Field, home of the Milwaukee Brewers.
“Families and businesses are still struggling from the high cost of living and inflation,” said Kittler, Supervisor of Grassroots Operations with Americans for Prosperity. “Those team owners, a lot of them are millionaires. Taxpayers, everyday people shouldn’t be on the hook for something that the owners of these teams can pay for.”
WATCH: Jamiroquan Kittler talks opposition to Brewers’ Bailout
Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin state director Megan Novak made the following statement:
“Governor Evers’ policies are a swing and a miss for Wisconsin taxpayers. After vetoing middle-class tax cuts and creating a 400-year long property tax hike, Evers still wants to use our hard-earned tax dollars for a stadium bailout that nearly two-thirds of voters oppose. Wisconsinites cannot afford any more of these reckless spending games.”
In April, AFP-WI helped conduct a poll that found nearly two-thirds (63%) of voters oppose the bailout.
Poll conducted by ARW Strategies*
View AFP-WI’s petition to oppose the Governor’s bailout here.
Americans for Prosperity Encourages Baseball Fans to Reject Stadium Bailout
AFP-WI: Thousands of Wisconsinites Agree: It’s Time to Strike Out the Bailout
*This poll was conducted by ARW Strategies between April 10th and 12th, 2023. In all, 800 interviews were achieved among registered voters in Wisconsin. 558 of these responses came from cell phones. The margin of error for this survey is +/- 3.46% at a confidence interval of 95%.
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