Florida Students Find Opportunity in Latest K-12 Advancement

Apr 30, 2019 by AFP

Grassroots group strives to ensure every Florida student has the access to best education opportunities

Tallahassee, FL – Americans for Prosperity-Florida (AFP-FL), the state’s biggest grassroots advocates for empowering students with the best educational opportunities, today praised Florida lawmakers for passing legislation that will give more students the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

Senate Bill 7070 ensures that more students can access the resources they need to pay for additional tutoring, additional educational resources, and will end the waitlist for students trying to access an education that best fits their unique needs.

AFP-FL began the 2019 legislative session by releasing a TV ad that casts a positive vision for education as legislators and Gov. Ron DeSantis began to coalesce around expanding educational options for Florida families. AFP-FL was consistent in thanking members along the way for voting in favor of supporting SB7070.

AFP-FL state director, Skylar Zander, released the following statement:

“Florida lawmakers have made K-12 education a priority by putting the tools and resources kids need to fulfill their potential in their hands. We applaud Florida lawmakers, and Senator Manny Diaz and Representative Jennifer Sullivan, for championing policies that make strong investments in the future of our state. We hope Governor DeSantis signs this bill and that lawmakers continue to find ways to give teachers the means to innovate in the classroom and give students the tools they need to succeed.”

AFP-FL activists made more than 85,000 volunteer and activist contacts throughout the 2019 legislative session advocating for policies like SB7070. The group will score votes on this bill and in their annual legislative scorecard.