Florida Billboard – Week 5

Feb 5, 2018 by AFP

Week four of legislative session brought with it a bit more clarity on what the rest of session’s major fights will look like.

Several key pieces of legislation continued their march through the House. Agency rulemaking is one step closer to a “one-in, one-out” rule, as HB 791 marched through its first committee in the House in a 7-3 vote. And students in Florida’s public colleges and universities may soon benefit from greater protection of free speech rights, as HB 909 passed through its second of three committees, in an 11-4 vote.

Florida Billboard, Week 5

Despite being in the fourth week, it is not too late for consolidation to continue and for committee bills to be introduced. Committees in both the House and the Senate are introducing landmark criminal justice data transparency bills, and the House Judiciary Committee voted its bill, PCB JDC 18-02, through its lone committee reference. The House’s annual education package also seems to have consolidated into HB 7055, which consists of several policies AFP has already supported thus far this session, including the Hope Scholarship (HB 1), the Principal Autonomy Program (HB 5101), and elements of the labor reform bill (HB 25).

Finally, the House passed a few clutch pieces of legislation from the floor this week, as well. These include efforts for agency rulemaking cost transparency (HB 83) and transparency requirements for local tax referenda (HB 317).