Cottage Food Bill Helps Entrepreneurs Sell Homemade Foods

Feb 17, 2021 by AFP

COLUMBIA, SC – Americans for Prosperity-South Carolina (AFP-SC) today commended members of the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources subcommittee for passing S 506, a bill that expands the opportunity for home-based food production and direct-to-consumers sales.

AFP-SC Director of Grassroots Operations Candace Carroll issued the following statement:

“It’s time to free the food and recognize the benefits home baking for profit can bring to entrepreneurs and food-loving South Carolinians. We thank the subcommittee members for their bipartisan support of this commonsense bill that removes burdensome regulations on the sale of homemade foods. We urge legislators to support this bill and send it to the governor’s desk without delay.

Candace Carroll testified today before the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources subcommittee. Below is a portion of her remarks:

“Americans for Prosperity activists support the passage of this legislation and the elimination of barriers in the market that restrict entrepreneurs from economic opportunities in South Carolina. During unpredictable times like these, it is more important than ever home chefs have the chance to provide for their families in new and innovative ways.

SB 506 incorporates a number of important changes to expand home-based food production for the South Carolinians, including:

    • expanding the types of home-based foods that can be sold beyond baked goods and candies to include all non-potentially hazardous foods;
    • allowing home-based food production operators to sell their goods to retail shops, like grocery stores;
    • allowing online and mail order direct-to-consumer sales; and
    • protecting home-based food production operators’ safety, allowing them to provide an identification number provided by Department of Health and Environmental Control on their labels instead of their business address (which is their home address).

The passage of SB 506 would eliminate regulations holding back home-based food production. Americans for Prosperity supports the passage of SB 506.”