Grassroots leaders call on citizens to raise their voice, calls for fiscal restraint from County
Naples, FL – Americans for Prosperity-Florida, the states leading grassroots advocates for good stewardship have launched a digital campaign to connect citizens with their Collier County Commissioners regarding a shortsighted proposal to increase utility fees to address storm water challenges, a matter the County should be able to address without harmful tax increases. Collier citizens have recently faced increases to their property tax, and North Collier residents have been hit with an additional fire assessment.
The ad will target Collier County residents and link them to their County Commissioners.
AFP-FL State Director, and Naples resident, Chris Hudson released the following statement:
“Storm water is a pretty basic government function at the county level. We should not have to pay new taxes to get it. And yet this is the second new tax this commission has put forward in one year. Good stewardship is critical at the local level. We want to hold up champions on fiscal restraint and challenge the members to focus on cutting waste and setting real priorities over harmful tax hikes. Cut the fat. Manage our dollars better.”
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