Budget ‘Deal’ Riddled with Overspending & Corporate Welfare is a Betrayal of American Taxpayers, Would Be Massive Failure After Historic Tax Reform

Feb 7, 2018 by AFP

Arlington, VA — Americans for Prosperity, Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, The LIBRE Initiative, Generation Opportunity and Concerned Veterans for American today issued a letter to congressional leaders announcing their opposition to a government spending bill that would open the floodgates to massive increases in government spending and billions of dollars in corporate welfare for powerful and well-connected special interests.

The organizations argue that on the heels of historic tax reform that offered hope to hardworking Americans under a simpler, fairer and more competitive tax code, the so-called bipartisan budget agreement is a travesty to fiscal discipline and undermines historic advancements of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.


AFP Chief Government Affairs Officer Brent Gardner, Freedom Partners Executive Vice President Nathan Nascimento, The LIBRE Initiative President Daniel Garza, Generation Opportunity Policy Director David Barnes, and Concerned Veterans for America Executive Director Dan Caldwell wrote:

“For years, Washington has been in a cycle of budgeting by crisis—resulting in a series of last-minute and short-term spending packages that consistently increase spending, ignore the need for reform and restraint, and further burden the taxpayers of today and tomorrow. The current proposal to lift the bipartisan and previously agreed to caps set forth in the 2011 Budget Control Act by $300 billion is a betrayal of American taxpayers and a display of the absolute unwillingness of members of Congress to adhere to any sort of responsible budgeting behavior.

In addition to irresponsible spending levels, this budget deal will include a number of other troubling provisions, including the extension or expansion of already-expired corporate welfare provisions through ‘tax extenders’ as well as kicking the can down the road on the debt ceiling. Our network has consistently called on federal lawmakers to stand with the American people over special interests and eliminate corporate welfare as well as rein in out-of-control spending. This proposal is a massive failure on both accounts.”

Last month, Freedom Partners and Americans for Prosperity sent an initial letter warning lawmakers that reviving the billion-dollar tax extenders, which include corporate welfare for favored industries like “green energy,” rum distillers, motorsports and mopeds, Hollywood films and TV, would undermine the historic steps recently taken through tax reform.


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. Freedom Partners is a non-profit, non-partisan chamber of commerce dedicated to protecting freedom and expanding opportunity for every American—no matter where they live, what they do or how much money they have.