First Step to Amend Constitution to Ban the Statewide Property Tax
NASHVILLE, TN – Following the Senate’s passage House Joint Resolution 81 (HJR0081), which takes important steps to add a constitutional amendment banning statewide property taxes in Tennessee, Americans for Prosperity – Tennessee (AFP-TN) is applauding the resolution and efforts to forever ban the statewide property tax on the 2026 ballot.
AFP-TN State Director Tori Venable released the following statement:
“We thank the legislature for adopting HJR81 and bringing us one step closer to permanently banning a statewide property tax in the Volunteer State. Just as we were successful in phasing out the Hall (retirement) income tax in 2021, we will continue working to ensure Tennessee doesn’t have a statewide property tax levied on top of their local taxes.
“Over the next two years, AFP-TN will activate grassroots volunteers and engage in campaigns to educate Tennesseans about the process for amending our state constitution. We look forward to building off this legislative success and keeping up the momentum to ensure Tennessee constitutionally bans the statewide property tax as we did the income tax.”
Rep. Tandy Darby first introduced House Joint Resolution 81 in January 2023 that passed the House 81-1. Senator Frank Nicely carried the bill to the TN Senate, which passed today 26 – 6. Next general assembly, the resolution will need to pass both chambers again by a two-thirds majority. If both chambers pass the resolution, it will then be placed on the ballot for Tennesseans to pass or reject in the 2026 statewide general election.
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