Americans for Prosperity-North Dakota Announces 2025 “Pathway to Prosperity” Legislative Agenda 

Feb 4, 2025 by AFP

Bismarck, ND – Today, Americans for Prosperity-North Dakota (AFP-ND) announced its 2025 “Pathway to Prosperity” legislative agenda, as the state legislative session is set to begin on Tuesday, January 7.

The grassroots organization dedicated to reigniting the American Dream through limited government and individual opportunity will focus on several policy priorities, including education freedom and economic opportunity.

Education Freedom: 

  • Parental choice in education is a significant need and desire for North Dakotans.
  • AFP-ND supports legislation that empowers all students to pursue the education that fits their unique needs regardless of their zip code or family income levels.
  • We believe that a system with the focus on dignity of the individual is important to improving North Dakota’s education system.
    States with education choice show improved outcomes for all children, including those that choose to remain in public schools.

Economic Issues/REINS Act: 

  • AFP-ND supports removing barriers to opportunity, including efforts to limit tax increases, reduce government regulation, and limit spending.
  • We believe in government accountability and support legislation such as the REINS Act, which holds unelected bureaucrats accountable and requires legislative action on important issues with a significant effect on our economy.

Property Taxes:

  • The government has the obligation to justify the need for additional revenue from taxpayers. Therefore, AFP-ND supports measures that require local government to hold public hearings if they choose to increase property taxes above the rate of inflation.
  • AFP-ND is dedicated to protecting taxpayers and demanding government transparency and accountability.

AFP-ND Deputy State Director Justin Forde released the following statement: 

“AFP-ND is committed to expanding freedom for all North Dakotans, and that begins with education freedom. Our state currently ranks last in education freedom, and our system is only holding our students back. This session, AFP-ND will support school choice legislation that empowers families to choose the education that fits their child best and ensures the greatest path to success.

“Additionally, AFP-ND will support policies that remove government obstacles, cut red tape, limit taxes and regulations, and ensure transparency through measures like the REINS Act and truth in taxation. These efforts will drive real change, foster prosperity, and improve the lives of all North Dakotans.

“Our team looks forward to working closely with the legislature this session to remove obstacles and reignite the American Dream right here in the Peace Garden State.”