Americans for Prosperity Launches New Grassroots Campaign, Listening Tour to Reenergize Activists

Nov 30, 2021 by AFP

Engaged Communities, Empowered Coalitions, and Emboldened Champions

COLUMBUS, O.H. – Today, Americans for Prosperity-Ohio (AFP-OH) announced the launch of the Buckeye Blueprint, a new grassroots campaign that seeks to build a bolder and better state by bringing people together to build bottom-up movements around policy priorities at the state and local level. 

This will be accomplished by empowering concerned citizens to participate in the legislative process by building greater awareness of critical legislative opportunities for change and empowering them with engagement tools to make their voices heard in Columbus. 

AFP-OH has also launched the Buckeye Blueprint listening tour to coincide with the platform to rally activists around this vision. By the end of the tour, the grassroots group will bring key takeaways to legislators to help them advance reforms that will improve the daily lives of Ohioans across the state. The first event will occur Monday, December 6th, in Steubenville with Representative Ron Ferguson.

 Policies AFP-OH plans to build upon: 

  • Removal of barriers to economic opportunity for all
  • Drive personal options in health care
  • Reform the criminal justice system to protect people & ensure public safety
  • Advance educational opportunities for everyone

AFP-OH State Director Donovan O’Neil issued the following statement: 

“After decades of individualized policy reforms, it’s time for activists to work with the legislature to take action on our collective vision. We plan to spend the next several weeks hearing from constituents on what they feel are the most pressing needs for themselves and their families. This critical feedback will serve as the foundation of the Buckeye Blueprint by building connections between Ohioans facing similar challenges daily. With power in numbers, we will drive transformational policy reforms together for the first time in decades.”

Visit the landing page to learn more: Buckeye Blueprint