Americans for Prosperity – Georgia Issues Statement Applauding Senate Study Committee on Occupational Licensing Recommendations

Dec 1, 2023 by AFP

ATLANTA, GA – Following the Georgia Senate Study Committee on Occupational Licensing’s announcement yesterday approving a series of ten recommendations that will reform occupational licensing procedures, Americans for Prosperity – Georgia (AFP-GA) is applauding the Committee’s proposals and calling for the full Georgia General Assembly to pass and implement them.

AFP-GA State Director Tony West released the following statement applauding the Committee’s recommendations:

“We are thankful for the bold recommendations the Senate Study Committee on Occupational Licensing has put forward to reform and simplify occupational licensing in our state. By eliminating unnecessary licenses, recognizing out-of-state licenses, and removing barriers for people with past criminal records, these recommendations will foster economic growth, reduce bureaucratic regulations, and allow individuals to reignite their American Dream.

“We call on lawmakers to follow the Committee’s recommendations so that Georgia’s workforce is no longer harmed by inefficient and unnecessary burdens that keep entrepreneurial Georgians out of work. If these recommendations are passed, Georgia will be on track to become the number one state to work and operate a business.”
