Montpelier, VT – Today, the Vermont House of Representatives passed H. 289, a bill that would increase the amount of total renewable energy required pursuant to the Renewable Energy Standard. This mandated shift to renewable energy would endanger the affordability and reliability of Vermont’s electrical grid and result in price increases for Vermonters.
Americans for Prosperity Northeast Region Director Ross Connolly released the following statement:
“Once again, our government has tipped the scale by imposing big government mandates that will drive up energy costs and burden hardworking Vermonters just trying to make ends meet. This bill is just another indication that leaders in the legislature are totally disconnected from the plight of the average Vermonter whose quality of life continues to decrease from bad government policy.
“AFP believes in a government that works for all, not one that uses its power to choose winners and losers in the name of political preference. We believe in policies that promote bottom-up innovation that improves the lives of Americans, not red tape mandates that prevent it. Therefore, we are calling on Governor Scott to veto this bill in the best interest of Vermonters.”
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