Americans for Prosperity Calls on Governor, Lawmakers to Take Fiscally Responsible Action Now

May 7, 2020 by AFP

Grassroots Group Provides Roadmap for Pandemic Recovery

CHARLESTON, WV — Americans for Prosperity-West Virginia (AFP-WV) today urged Governor Justice and lawmakers to take decisive, fiscally responsible steps to stem the tide of the fiscal crisis our state is facing due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Given West Virginia’s projection to see a revenue shortfall totaling in the hundreds of millions of dollars, the grassroots group unveiled its updated Path to Prosperity Legislative Agenda to help lawmakers navigate the challenges ahead. Many of these reforms closely match the objectives outlined by legislative leader’s recent reopening planning document.

Click here to view the plan.

AFP-WV State Director Jason Huffman issued the following statement:

“In the past, some misguided lawmakers have simply raised taxes to fill budget gaps. Even under normal circumstances, these actions hurt our citizens and economic growth by adding to folks’ financial burden. Given the state of our economy and the financial situation many West Virginians are facing, tax hikes are a non-starter. People just can’t afford to pay more when so many are struggling to make ends meet or even find work.

“We also should not ask for a reckless bailout from the federal government, especially one that could end up putting West Virginians on the hook for decades of bad fiscal decisions made by politicians in other states—a scheme that President Trump suggested this week that he opposes. Policymakers in West Virginia cannot afford to sit idly by. Now is the time for Governor Justice and lawmakers to forge a bold, fiscally responsible path forward that safeguards our citizens and creates the conditions for a new, stronger West Virginia economy. That starts with substantially reducing non-essential state spending and ensuring government stays within its means, as every West Virginia family is doing.”