Gavel on Law Book

Alaska Attorney General Issues Legal Opinion on Janus Decision

Aug 27, 2019 by AFP

Arlington, VA –  Alaska Attorney General Kevin G. Clarkson released a formal opinion on the State of Alaska’s compliance with the United States Supreme Court decision in Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Council 31. The opinion finds that the state must take significant additional steps to protect the First Amendment rights to free speech for state employees. Attorney General Kevin Clarkson says the state will need to significantly change its payroll process by obtaining “clear and compelling evidence it has the employee’s consent before deducting union dues and fees.”

Americans for Prosperity Director of Employment Initiatives Erica Jedynak issued the following statement:

“Attorney General Kevin Clarkson is standing up for workers and bringing Alaska into compliance with the Supreme Court’s Janus v. AFSCME decision by recognizing that workers must affirmatively consent to join government unions. All public employees deserve a choice in union membership and the ability to make the best decision for their families. We applaud Attorney General Clarkson for ensuring that Alaska is protecting the free speech rights of workers, as stated in Janus.”