AFP-WV Releases Results from Grassroots Effort

Mar 19, 2024 by AFP

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Americans for Prosperity-West Virginia (AFP-WV) released, today, the results from their ongoing citizen contact effort in the republican gubernatorial race. From October 1, 2023, to March 18, 2024, AFP-WV has attempted to contact 191,575 West Virginians collecting survey results from 30,299 voters. Out of those respondents, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey leads the field with over forty percent support.

“One thing is abundantly clear, Patrick Morrisey remains a strong favorite in the race for governor. The sheer volume of positive responses at the door, relative to other candidates, indicates Morrisey continues to have strong name ID and favorability moving into the final weeks of the race. And the more that undecided voters learn about Morrisey’s unmatched record of fighting, and winning, for our shared West Virginia Values, the more they are choosing to hitch their wagons to Team Morrisey,” said AFP-WV State Director Jason Huffman.

Results since October 1:

Total Attempts: 191,575

Total Takes: 30,299

Take Rate: 15.8%

  • Attorney General Patrick Morrisey: 40.32%
  • Moore Capito: 9.35%
  • Secretary of State Mac Warner: 7.51%
  • Chris Miller: 1.97%
  • Undecided: 35.68%
  • Refused: 5.17%

“While these results should not be confused with traditional polling data, there is still merit in discussing the course of the conversations our staff and activists are having with thousands of West Virginians across the state every day,” Huffman said.

AFP-WV endorsed Attorney General Patrick Morrisey on July 1, 2023. Since then, AFP-WV has deployed more than 40 staff alongside our activists to identify contentions and persuade likely republican primary voters to vote for Patrick Morrisey for Governor. The organization’s field program represents the most robust grassroots program in the state and the only entity engaged in a comprehensive door-to-door effort.