AFP-WV Announces Thank You Effort for Delegates Who Opposed Crony Price Fixing Scheme

Feb 6, 2020 by AFP

CHARLESTON, WV – Today, Americans for Prosperity West Virginia announced a grassroots and digital campaign thanking principled lawmakers who voted in committee against including a cronyism, payment parity provision in HB 4003, a telehealth bill. The provision would mandate that telehealth appointments are the same price as in-person office visits.

The organization has launched digital thank you ads and a texting campaign to mobilize and inform citizens about the importance of this vote, and to encourage these lawmakers to continue to stand strong for accessible, innovative health care options.

Click here to view the digital ad

AFP-WV State Director Jason Huffman released the following statement:

“We applaud these lawmakers for their principled stand against putting accessible and affordable health care options out of reach for Mountaineers. These legislators protected the citizens of this state by refusing to go along with big medicine special interests who want to fix health care prices in order to line their pockets at the expense of struggling West Virginia families. Our activists are calling on lawmakers to follow suit by rejecting all payment parity schemes now, and in the future – because big medicine has taken enough from our state and its people already.”


The following lawmakers voted to oppose the payment parity price fixing scheme in the House Health Committee on 2/4/2020: Del. Jordan Hill, Del. Jeff Pack, Del. Amy Summers, Del. Rick Atkinson, Del. Trenton Barnhart, Del. Jim Butler, Del. Vernon Criss, Del. Mark Dean, Del. Dean Jeffries, Del. Rolland Jennings, Del. Matt Rohrbach, Del. Ruth Rowan, Del. Amy Summers, Del. Marshall Wilson, and Del. Evan Worrell.

AFP-WV announced this week the group was mounting a major grassroots campaign to oppose payment parity price fixing.