AFP-Wisconsin Announces Next Wave of Legislative Endorsements

Sep 15, 2022 by AFP

MADISON, Wis. – Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) today announced four additional endorsements for candidates running for State Assembly: Joy Goeben (AD-5), Rep. Gae Magnafici (AD-28), Ellen Schutt (AD-31), and Ryan Huebsch (AD-94) in their bids for State Assembly. AFP-WI will leverage its wide range of grassroots tactics to support these candidates ahead of the November general election.

AFP-WI State Director Eric Bott issued the following statement: 

“AFP-WI is proud to endorse Joy Goeben, Rep. Gae Magnafici, Ellen Schutt and Ryan Huebsch for State Assembly. All four of these candidates have demonstrated a strong commitment to freedom, prosperity and policies that will help all Wisconsinites. Joy, Ellen, Gae and Ryan are leaders we need in the State Assembly to pass transformative policies to get Wisconsin back on track. Our unmatched activist army is excited to support these candidates between now and Election Day.”

Joy Goeben (AD-5):

Joy Goeben is a former public school teacher, a mom, a community volunteer and co-owner of a small business with her husband. She will bring this wide breadth of experience to the State Assembly to fight for expanded education freedom for families, lower taxes, and increasing access to quality health care options in Wisconsin.

Rep. Gae Magnafici (AD-28): 

Rep. Magnafici has demonstrated a strong commitment to good policy and her constituents during her service in the State Assembly. She has used her professional nursing experience to fight for health care reforms that increase access to quality care for her district in northern Wisconsin, and for all Wisconsinites.

Ellen Schutt (AD-31):

Ellen Schutt will bring her strong experience as a former legislative staffer and dairy farmer to the State Assembly. She will work tirelessly as a state representative to shrink government to its proper size by lowering the tax burden for her constituents, eliminating wasteful spending, and ending burdensome regulations that limit entrepreneurship and innovation in our state.

Ryan Huebsch (AD-94):

Ryan Huebsch will be a much needed, strong, and fresh voice on tax and education reform in the State Assembly. His knowledge and experience as a former legislative staffer will help him effectively serve his constituents. Ryan will champion reforms that will put more money in the pockets of taxpayers, not in Madison, and ensure all kids are able to access a quality education that meets their needs.