MADISON, Wis. – Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) on Wednesday announced a new $1.5 million ad buy to supplement its grassroots’ efforts urging Wisconsinites to vote against Tony Evers in the race for governor. The new spot highlights the risk Evers’ policies pose to the strong economic gains Wisconsinites have enjoyed under Gov. Walker’s watch. The ad calls attention to Evers’ openness to higher property taxes, higher income taxes, and a dollar per gallon gas tax hike. The seven-figure ad buy is AFP-WI’s third television ad opposing Evers and will run on cable, broadcast, and digital platforms throughout the state.
AFP-WI State Director Eric Bott issued the following statement:
“Thanks to Gov. Scott Walker and his policies, Wisconsin’s economy is booming. Tony Evers would take us in a very different direction, toward higher taxes that would jeopardize our economic gains and leave the future of Wisconsin uncertain. Tony Evers is a risk we can’t afford, and we urge Wisconsinites to vote against him this November.”
We all remember Wisconsin a decade ago.
Lost jobs. High unemployment. We’ve finally turned a corner.
Now, Tony Evers thinks it’s time to risk it all. His plan? It could cost us.
Property tax hikes. Income tax hikes. Even gas tax hikes as high as a dollar.
How much is too much for Tony Evers? We don’t know, because he won’t say.
Tony Evers, a risk we can’t afford to take.
Wisconsinites Could See Higher Property Taxes Under Evers’ Plan
Evers’ Education Proposal Calls For Eliminating Wisconsin’s Property Tax Credits That Total About $1 Billion A Year. “Evers is calling for an increase in total aid of more than $2.6 billion over the current biennium. His proposal also calls for, starting in the second year, eliminating property tax credits that total about $1 billion per year and shifting it to general aid.” (Kelly Meyerhofer, “Tony Evers Calls For Nearly $1.7 Billion Hike In State Funding For K-12 Schools,” Wisconsin State Journal, 9/16/18)
Evers’ Spokesman At The Department Of Public Instruction Framed His Proposal As “Property-Tax Neutral” But Admitted That The Plan Could Cause Taxes To Increase In Districts With Higher Property Wealth.“[Department of Public Instruction spokesman Tom] McCarthy called the overall proposal ‘property-tax neutral,’ but said changes like those could cause districts with higher property wealth to see taxes go up while the opposite would play out in lower property wealth districts. ‘That is a potentiality of changing a funding formula,’ McCarthy said.” (Kelly Meyerhofer, “Tony Evers Calls For Nearly $1.7 Billion Hike In State Funding For K-12 Schools,” Wisconsin State Journal, 9/16/18)
Wisconsinites Could See Higher Income Taxes Under Evers’ Plan
Evers Told Reporters After Delivering His “State Of Education” Speech That He Was Contemplating Increasing Income Taxes. “Democrat Tony Evers said Thursday he is considering a broad range of changes to Wisconsin’s taxes if he beats GOP Gov. Scott Walker this fall. Evers, the state schools superintendent, told reporters after delivering his ‘state of education’ speech that he was contemplating eliminating a tax break for manufacturers and farmers, increasing income taxes on the wealthy and cutting income taxes for others.” (Patrick Marley, “Tony Evers Considers A Range Of Tax Hikes And Cuts As He Calls Scott Walker’s Priorities ‘Out Of Whack’,” Journal Sentinel, 9/20/18)
Evers Is Open To Gas Tax Hikes. Even A Dollar More Per Gallon.
Evers Did Not Reject The Idea Of A $1 Increase In The Gas Tax, Saying That He “Would Support Looking At Anything” And That “Everything Is On The Table.” “At a stop outside Mickies Dairy Bar in Madison, Evers didn’t say how much he was willing to raise the gas tax and didn’t reject the idea of a $1 increase. ‘I would support looking at anything,’ Evers said. ‘Whether it’s removing tax credits, whether it’s slimming down state government, whether it’s gas taxes. Everything is on the table. All I know is what he’s done has failed.’” (Patrick Marley And Molly Beck, “Scott Walker Touts Tax Breaks As He And Tony Evers Joust Over Road Funding,” Journal Sentinel, 8/15/18)
For further information or an interview, reach Lorenz Isidro at or (703) 887-7724.
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
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