AFP-WI Applauds Gov. Walker for Signing Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

Apr 3, 2018 by AFP

Landmark reform protects constitutional liberties, strengthens rule of law

MADISON, WI – Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin today commended Governor Scott Walker for signing Senate Bill 61, that reforms Wisconsin’s civil asset forfeiture laws while protecting important law enforcement tools. The measure requires that property or money be seized and forfeited only from persons convicted of a crime related to the seizure and directs forfeited funds to Wisconsin’s Common School Fund.

Americans for Prosperity also thanked Senator David Craig and Representative Gary Tauchen for championing the reform in the legislature and Senator Bob Wirch for his support at the committee level.

Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin State Director Eric Bott issued the following statement:

“With his signature, Governor Walker has safeguarded the constitutional rights of all Wisconsinites by ensuring that no citizen of our state can be deprived of their property without due process of the law. AFP-Wisconsin activists thank the state legislature for working in a bipartisan manner and commend Governor Walker for signing this commonsense reform. This landmark reform will protect the property rights of Wisconsinites from unjust seizures while strengthening the rule of law by putting a check on government power. Once again, Wisconsin is a model for the rest of the nation in protecting the rights of its citizens from government overreach.”


AFP-Wisconsin Backs Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Bill