AFP-NE Joins National Campaign to “Unrig the Economy”
LINCOLN, NE—Americans for Prosperity-Nebraska (AFP-NE) today highlighted its role as part of a campaign to create a strong economy by leveling the playing field for all. The campaign, “Unrig the Economy,” is a multi-year, multi-million-dollar national effort that will harness the power of AFP’s grassroots to drive change at both the state and federal level.
The first phase launching today will kick off with a robust direct mail and digital effort opposing the Export-Import Bank’s reauthorization and the renewal of tax extenders. As part of this initial push, AFP is encouraging House Ways and Means member, Representative Adrian Smith to stop the renewal of so-called “tax extenders.”
View the mailer here.
AFP-NE State Director Jessica Shelburn issued the following statement:
“Tax giveaways to special interests and the politically connected help fuel Americans’ belief our economic system is rigged. Rep. Smith has a great opportunity to level the playing field for all Americans and ensure one’s ability to succeed is not dependent on sweetheart deals from Washington D.C. We urge Rep. Smith to take a stand and end this bad fiscal and economic policy of special-interest tax breaks.”
According to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 62% of Americans said they thought the U.S. economic system mainly benefits those in power versus only 34% who said it mainly benefits all people. Belief that the economy is rigged is a longtime, widespread perception.
AFP believes everyone should play by the same set of rules where a level playing field allows everyone to succeed. The grassroots group has been a long advocate of opposing corporate welfare in a variety of forms – from film subsidies to stadiums subsidies to certificate of need laws to tax giveaways, and more
For further information or an interview, reach Kevin Brinegar at or (703) 447-5131.
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