Arlington, Va. – Americans for Prosperity (AFP) launched a new phase of its effort urging Congress to oppose massive federal spending bills and other harmful policies that could undermine economic recovery. The effort – “No Bad Deals” – is a continuation of the group’s significant campaign to mobilize its grassroots activists against bailouts for state and local governments for spending that has nothing to do with COVID-19 response and includes digital ads that lead to a petition for activists to sign. The group also released a policy brief outlining criteria for what qualifies as a bad deal and urged lawmakers to instead advance policies that would more effectively help people and our economy recover stronger.
Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips issued the following statement:
“As communities, businesses, and policymakers work together to find a way to get the economy moving again, the last thing lawmakers should do is jeopardize recovery by leveraging the public health and economic crisis to enact bad policies that do little to help those in need, whether they be bailouts, partisan wish lists, or any other bad deals. The better way to help people through this crisis is to advance policies that clear the way for individuals from all walks of life to improve their lives and the lives of others.”
Excerpt from AFP’s policy brief:
Congress and the administration should work together to advance policies that focus on people and spur real growth by creating an environment that fosters innovation and empowers everyone. We can start with the recommendations outlined in our Recover Stronger roadmap. The goal should be to not just recover, but to recover stronger by avoiding the big spending approach of the past that has consistently failed to live up to its promise of helping all Americans.
As Congress considers additional COVID-19 responses, it should keep the criteria below in mind and commit to no bailouts and No Bad Deals:
Americans for Prosperity released, Recover Stronger: A Starting Point to Build An Economy that Works for All, a set of principles and recommendations that offer lawmakers a starting point to build a stronger economy as the country recovers from COVID-19. As Congress considers additional massive spending bills, the guidance is intended to present better alternatives to help the economy recover – and ultimately create a new, stronger economy.
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