The START ACT would codify streamlined permitting policies that cut through red tape and give power back to the states.
Arlington, Va. – Today, Americans for Prosperity is urging Congress to support The Simplify Timelines and Assure Regulatory Transparency (START) Act, introduced by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, which would cut through harmful red tape to promote American jobs, keep costs down, and give authority back to the states.
AFP Vice President of Government Affairs Akash Chougule issued the following statement on the legislation:
“For years, the private sector has been mired in government red tape. Companies must fight against barrier after barrier to accomplish basic tasks. Government red-tape has blocked private attempts to ease supply chains snarled by Covid. Other restrictive actions by the federal government have constrained the supply of energy commodities and raised the cost of driving, heating, electricity, and industrial activity across the board.
“The economic activity greenlit by the START Act will bring down rising costs for families and businesses. The START Act brings a balanced approach to the reality that permitting backlogs are an old problem that have a new urgency under current economic conditions. By cutting through government red tape and returning decisions back to the states, the START Act is a vital component of fighting stagflation.
“Fighting stagflation is a two-front war. It requires boosting productive economic activity – deepening shipping channels, constructing fuel pipelines, building new housing subdivisions – while simultaneously driving down the supply shortages that drive higher costs throughout the economy. Reducing the permit barriers that plague the private sector and increasing the production and capacity of our energy system, the START Act accomplishes both.”
AFP also sent a letter to Sen. Shelley Moore Capito and others thanking them for their support of the START Act. Read the letter here.
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