AFP-SD Calls on Legislature and Governor to Address Sales Tax Relief

Mar 12, 2019 by AFP

SIOUX FALLS, SD—Americans for Prosperity-South Dakota (AFP-SD) today expresses great disappointment in the legislature and Governor’s administration for the lack of action shown in the 2019 session to address the sales tax after a deal to provide South Dakotans with relief had been put in place if additional sales tax revenue were approved for collection. The deal that would have provided relief to South Dakotans across the state.

AFP-SD has been engaged in the sales tax relief debate from the very beginning. State Director Don Haggar testified on several sales tax related bills to encourage lawmakers to fulfill the 2016 sales tax deal.

AFP-SD State Director Don Haggar issued the following statement:

“Failure to fulfill the 2016 deal was a missed opportunity by lawmakers and the Governor’s administration to provide citizens with sales tax relief. While we’re disappointed the legislature did not take action this year to fulfill the deal, we consistently heard from those wanting to wait, including the Administration, that it is their intention to eventually lower the rate when we know more about what the revenue will be. We intend to hold them to that.”

For further information or an interview, reach Nicole Tardif at or (571) 329-0161.