AFP-PA Congratulates State Legislative Candidates on Reelections, Upon Certification

Dec 3, 2020 by AFP

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania (AFP-PA) congratulated Sens. Martin (SD 13) and DiSanto (SD 15) today on their reelections to the Pennsylvania Senate upon certification of the election. AFP-PA also backed ten other candidates for the Pennsylvania House that were reelected: Representatives Kerry Benninghoff, Cris Dush, Seth Grove, Mike Jones, Dawn Keefer, Kate Klunk, Andrew Lewis, Greg Rothman, David Rowe and Ryan Warner. These lawmakers received support from AFP-PA for their significant track record of championing principled policy solutions on the issues that matter most.

AFP-PA State Director Ashley Klingensmith issued the following statement:

“This group of policy champions fought hard to create meaningful legislative solutions to the greatest challenges Pennsylvanians face, through their dedication to building powerful, broad-based coalitions and showing leadership even when difficult. That is why we proudly put the full weight of our grassroots infrastructure behind each of these candidates, who consistently work to level the playing field for all by removing barriers to opportunity. Thank you to our activists and staff who knocked on over 20,000 doors to ensure voters knew exactly why these candidates deserved another term. We look forward to seeing this group of leaders continue to drive lasting policy change in the Keystone State.”

For further information or an interview, reach Stacia Komosinski at or 571-243-6987