OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Americans for Prosperity – Oklahoma (AFP-OK) tonight celebrated the victory of three of its endorsed candidates for state legislature in the state primary election.
State Senator Micheal Bergstrom (SD-01), State Sen. Julie Daniels (SD-29), State Representative Denise Crosswhite-Hader (HD-41), all won the Republican nomination for their district, with candidate Nick Pokorny (HD-59) heading into the August runoff election.
Since announcing its endorsements in early June, AFP-OK knocked on over 17,000 doors in these districts in support of these candidates and blanketed the areas with digital advertising and mail. Using its statewide network of grassroots activists, AFP-OK once again turned the tide in favor of freedom-minded candidates in key strategic districts who will fight for Oklahoma values in the state legislature once elected in November.
After the races were called, AFP-Oklahoma State Director John Tidwell gave the following statement:
“AFP-OK is thrilled to see three of our endorsed candidates move forward to the general election in November. Oklahoma is on the right track for a windfall of economic growth, energy abundance and education freedom in the next legislative session.
“We’re also incredibly grateful for our grassroots activists for their tireless efforts across the state to support these policy champions, knocking doors and making phone calls to make sure Oklahomans had the right choices on the ballot.”
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. Authorized and paid for by Americans for Prosperity, 3307 S. Harvard Ave, Ste C, Tulsa, OK 74135, 844-AFP-OKLA
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