AFP-OH Celebrates National School Choice Week, Recognizes Momentum for School Choice in Ohio

Jan 24, 2024 by AFP

Columbus, OH – In honor of National School Choice week, Americans for Prosperity-Ohio (AFP-OH) released a statement today celebrating the opportunities that school choice provides for Ohio students and families.

AFP-OH State Director Donovan O’Neil released the following statement:

“The momentum for school choice is growing like never before, as more Ohioans recognize that universal school choice is necessary to equip our students, families, and businesses for success in this rapidly changing world.  Thanks to the work of our grassroots activists and Buckeye Blueprint policy champions during this session, EdChoice scholarships were expanded to serve all Ohio families, and we are well on our way to providing opportunity for every Ohio child. However, there is still more work to be done.  We need broad, comprehensive school choice reforms like the Backpack Bill so that a child’s potential is not limited by their zip code or their family’s income.”

AFP-OH remains focused on advancing school choice and education freedom in three key areas:

  • Funding families.  AFP-OH is working to ensure that funding for the EdChoice program continues and that programs like the Backpack Bill are implemented, so that money can follow Ohio students.
  • Maximizing flexibility.  AFP-OH is advocating for programs that allow parents, not Columbus bureaucrats, to direct their child’s education.
  • Support educators. AFP-OH is pushing for policies that enable teachers and education innovators to do what they do best for Buckeye students.