AFP-NC Launches New Coalition in Support of Income Tax Cap

May 21, 2018 by AFP

Americans for Prosperity- North Carolina, in partnership with a coalition of organizations in support of the Senate Bill 75 – Const. Amd. – Max. Income Tax Rate of 5.5%, sent an open letter to the North Carolina House of Representatives urging lawmakers to pass Senate Bill 75. The proposed constitutional amendment would lower the cap placed on the North Carolina state, personal, and corporate income tax rates from 10% to 5.5%. Upon passage, the referendum will go directly to the November ballot. Americans for Prosperity-North Carolina State Director, Chris McCoy, issued the following statement regarding the coalition’s letter:

“Americans for Prosperity-North Carolina is proud to join our esteemed partners in our continued effort to urge lawmakers in Raleigh to support lowering the cap in the state constitution from 10% to 5.5%. By joining with national and state organizations, AFP-NC can amplify the voices of citizens around the state even further. This letter reinforces that North Carolinians want to power to vote to protect themselves from future tax increases.

Over the last five years, North Carolina has been a beacon of pro-growth policies; by lowering corporate and personal tax rates, we’ve cut unemployment and business is booming. While we’ve made great progress, North Carolinians deserve the opportunity to vote to safeguard our future for our businesses and our families. We, along with organizations across the state, urge Lawmakers to vote yes on Senate Bill 75, so that all North Carolinians will be empowered to protect their financial futures.”

To view the coalition letter, click here.