Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP-Missouri Announces New State Legislative Endorsements

Jul 1, 2024 by AFP

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Americans for Prosperity-Missouri (AFP-MO) today announced three new endorsements for the state House of Representatives from across the state, ahead of the state primary elections in August.

As an organization committed to advancing limited government, economic prosperity, education freedom and other key issues set for debate in next year’s legislative session, AFP-MO is endorsing these policy champions to bring principled leadership back into the state House and deliver results. AFP-MO previously endorsed Doug Richey for State Senate District 21.

AFP-MO Deputy State Director, Duane Lester, gave the following statement: 

“We’re thrilled to support these principled candidates in their primary races, and eager to see them move on to the general election in November. Tony Lovasco, John Simmons, and Lisa Thomas are steadfast conservatives who will get to work making Missouri into the best place to live, raise a family, go to school, start a business, and live out the American Dream.

“After an unproductive legislative session this year, AFP-MO will deploy the full strength of its grassroots activist army to make sure that these leaders are elected so that voters will see meaningful legislation passed in 2025.” 

Endorsed candidates

State Rep. Tony Lovasco (HD-64): Lovasco is a leading voice for fiscal responsibility in the state House, who has advocated for balanced budgets and the elimination of income and property taxes. He is a strong advocate for criminal justice reform and improving Missouri’s health care system. AFP-MO looks forward to working with Lovasco to protect worker freedoms, as unions look to entangle themselves in Missouri’s manufacturing sector.

John Simmons (non-incumbent, HD-109): Simmons, who is running to reclaim his former seat in the Missouri House, has a stellar track record in fighting for economic reforms including tax cuts and spending reductions. As a small business owner, he knows just how big government barriers like occupational licensing reforms can hurt local economies and entrepreneurs. While in office, Simmons was a strong advocate for school choice and innovations in health care.

State Rep. Lisa Thomas (HD-123): Thomas is a proven leader in education reform, who stood strong in favor of expanding school choice this year despite strong opposition within her party. AFP-MO will continue working with her to expand Missouri’s Opportunity Scholars Program and charter school access. As a psychiatrist with over 20 years of clinical experience, she has worked diligently to bring key market-based reforms to Missouri’s health care system.