Arlington, VA – The House Appropriations Committee on Wednesday approved a $23.4 billion Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill for FY19. The bill included the same appropriations level as the previous FY18 bill, meaning spending levels have frozen.
Americans for Prosperity Senior Policy Fellow Alison Acosta Winters issued the following statement:
“It is refreshing to finally see a spending bill that focuses heavily on accountability to American taxpayers and consumers. Freezing spending at current levels signals to fellow lawmakers that spending restraint is possible here in Washington. This bill would also deliver on a long-held promise to bring the CFPB under a normal appropriations process, creating accountability for an agency that has wielded unchecked power since its inception. This is a small but important step in the effort to get reckless spending under control.”
In addition to freezing funding, the bill would subject the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to annual appropriations starting in FY2020. Americans for Prosperity has long-argued that the CFPB is unconstitutionally structured and lacks the checks and balances needed to ensure accountability.
Read More:
Daily Caller: Declaring Independence From the CFPB
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