AFP Launches Major Campaign Against Wasteful Government Spending

May 24, 2018 by AFP

Lansing, MI — Americans for Prosperity (AFP) announced today the start of a major campaign that will hold accountable Republicans and Democrats for their records on wasteful spending and thank champions who have protected taxpayers. Included in the campaign are ads and mailers that hold Representative Mike Bishop accountable for his vote in support of the $1.3 trillion omnibus package in March.

AFP spokesman Bill Riggs issued the following statement:

“It’s time to take a hard look at what lawmakers say, and what they actually do when it comes to reining in overspending. The $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill passed by Congress in March showed a complete disregard for fiscal responsibility. Both parties are responsible for putting the country on an unsustainable fiscal path, which is why AFP is committed to holding both parties accountable.”

The recent $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill pushed total Washington spending above $4 trillion for the first time and failed to make any meaningful reform to entitlement programs, which remain key drivers of the national debt. While tax reform was a win for hard-working Americans, and AFP-MI appreciates Rep. Bishop’s commitment to tax reform, AFP-MI has long-championed the necessity of pairing tax cuts with spending restraint to grow the economy and improve the lives of all Americans.

The campaign will feature a video and website,, to inform the American people about the importance of reducing excessive and out-of-control federal spending and urging them to tell lawmakers to control Washington’s spending problem.

“We are on the verge of a fiscal crisis and Washington’s support of out-of-control spending must stop,” said Americans for Prosperity-Michigan State Director Pete Lund. “While in the state legislature, Congressman Bishop was a fiscal conservative who pushed back against Governor Granholm’s wasteful spending agenda. I’m confident he will stand by those principles when asked to vote on the budget for next year.”

Additional information:


For more information, read AFP’s President Tim Phillips op-ed on why Republicans must be held accountable for spending.

In his own words, Rep. Mike Bishop has advocated for fiscal responsibility:

Rep. Bishop: “As Senate Majority Leader In Michigan, I Led The Charge To Restore Fiscal Restraint When We Faced Mounting Budget Deficits.” “As Senate Majority Leader in Michigan, I led the charge to restore fiscal restraint when we faced mounting budget deficits. I am committed to approaching the federal debt in the same way. We must carefully consider our budgetary needs, properly allocate funding to the core functions of government, and look for ways to find savings everywhere we can.” (“Spending Cuts And Debt,” U.S. Congressman Mike Bishop, Accessed 5/23/18)

Bishop: “Our Seniors, Middle Class, And Future Generations Are Relying On Us In Congress To Take A Responsible Approach To Reduce Federal Spending And Pay Off Our Skyrocketing National Debt, And Adopting A Balanced Budget Requirement Is A Good First Step.” “I am also a firm supporter of adding a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution. Over the past decade, Michigan families have had to tighten their budgets to face the reality of a stagnant economy. Michigan families do not have the luxury of running up trillion dollar deficits, and they shouldn’t be called on to finance Washington’s. Our seniors, middle class, and future generations are relying on us in Congress to take a responsible approach to reduce federal spending and pay off our skyrocketing national debt, and adopting a balanced budget requirement is a good first step.” (“Spending Cuts And Debt,” U.S. Congressman Mike Bishop, Accessed 5/23/18)

Bishop On The Omnibus Bill: “We Must End The Insanity Of Month-To-Month Spending Bills And Provide Funding Certainty For Our Nation.” “‘Despite these clear victories, the process by which these spending measures are being considered is unacceptable. Our government must return to regular order. Last September, I voted for all 12 appropriation bills in the House. I’m extremely disappointed the Senate failed to do their job and filibustered their consideration. We must end the insanity of month-to-month spending bills and provide funding certainty for our nation.’” (Press Release, “Bishop Statement On Passage Of Omnibus Spending Bill,” Rep. Mike Bishop, 3/22/18)

Bishop On Tax Reform: “I’d Also Say That This Is About Growth, Putting This Economy In A Position For Growth. And As A Fiscal Conservative, I Would Rather Have More Money In Your Pockets And The Pockets Of Job Providers Than I Would The Federal Government.” “I’d also say that this is about growth, putting this economy in a position for growth. And as a fiscal Conservative, I would rather have more money in your pockets and the pockets of job providers than I would the federal government. It’s gone upside down over the past years. It’s been 31 years since we’ve had any kind of tax reform. We’re long overdue. And all this speculation is all part of the grand scheme to torpedo this before it comes out of the gate, and it’s unfair. I challenge these critics, when it comes to this final document that we’re going to vote on, I challenge them to vote against it if it does what we think it’s going to do – which is to create a substantially improved economy.” (Press Release, “Bishop Talks Tax Reform On FBN: ‘We Need To Reinvigorate This Economy.’,” Rep. Mike Bishop, 10/25/17)