AFP Launches Legislative Question Committee: No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1.

Sep 1, 2020 by AFP

Little Rock, Ark. – Americans for Prosperity-Arkansas (AFP-AR) today announced the launch of “No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1.”— a committee formed to oppose a constitutional amendment that would permanently extend a 0.5% sales tax increase in Arkansas. The tax increase, initially authorized by voters in 2012 and set to expire in 2023 to support state and local transportation, will cost taxpayers $293 million a year.

AFP-AR will leverage its signature grassroots efforts to urge voters to oppose another sales tax increase in Arkansas. AFP-AR State Director Ryan Norris will serve as chair of the committee.

No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1. Chair Ryan Norris Issued the following statement:

“Our state already has the second highest sales tax rate in the country. With families and businesses struggling, Arkansas simply can’t afford a $293 million annual tax increase. Now, more than ever, we deserve smarter solutions to fund our infrastructure needs by making what we currently raise go further, ensuring money for roads and bridges is spent on roads and bridges – not pet projects.

“Voting no on Issue 1 will help reduce the burden on hardworking families and allow Arkansans to keep more of their hard-earned money. We look forward to getting out and mobilizing Arkansans against this harmful tax hike.”

Paid for by Americans for Prosperity. Authorized by No Permanent Tax. No on Issue 1.