TV & Digital Ad Buy Draws Sharp Policy Contrast Between Baldwin, Vukmir
MADISON, WI – Americans for Prosperity – Wisconsin (AFP-WI) today announced its first television ad buy in the Wisconsin U.S. Senate race between Tammy Baldwin and Leah Vukmir contrasting the two candidates’ records on taxes and spending, and calling for Baldwin’s defeat. The new six-figure investment will include broadcast, cable, and digital advertisements that will run in markets across the state. Earlier this month, AFP-Wisconsin expressly called for the defeat of Baldwin and the election of Vukmir in November’s election, citing the two candidates’ different views and voting records on policy matters.
Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin (AFP-WI) State Director Eric Bott made the following statement:
“The contrast in this election could not be more vivid. Leah Vukmir is a citizen activist turned state legislator who has consistently fought for low taxes, less government, and more freedom for the people of Wisconsin. Tammy Baldwin is a career politician who seems to have never met a tax increase she didn’t like and voted to continue the D.C. spending spree by $1.3 trillion earlier this year. Hard-working Wisconsinites simply can’t afford to send Tammy Baldwin back to Washington for another six years. Leah Vukmir has been a principled fighter for free markets and free people. These ads will remind voters that we must fire Tammy Baldwin and elect Leah Vukmir to restore fiscal sanity in Washington and let Wisconsinites keep more of their hard-earned money.”
On taxes and spending, there’s a clear choice.
Leah Vukmir fought against special interest loopholes so taxes could be cut for middle-class families.
And Vukmir signed a pledge to oppose new tax hikes.
For Tammy Baldwin, it’s higher taxes and more spending.
Higher sales taxes. Higher income taxes. Higher energy taxes.
Voting for $1.3 trillion in spending.
We can’t afford Tammy Baldwin.
Americans for Prosperity is responsible for the content of this advertising.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Vukmir Supported The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act. “Vukmir has come out strongly for the GOP proposal. ‘I stand with President Trump as he works to cut taxes, streamline our tax code and make America open for business,’ she said in a statement. ‘We’ve done this in Wisconsin, and we have seen how companies want to bring jobs where there is a low tax burden. Trump’s plan will spark new economic growth and expand the tax base, which we can use to cut the deficit and pay down our debt.’” (Bill Glauber, “Tammy Baldwin, Leah Vukmir, Kevin Nicholson Take Positions On Trump Tax Overhaul Plan,” Journal Sentinel, 10/11/17)
Taxpayer Protection Pledge
In February, Vukmir Signed Americans For Tax Reform’s “Taxpayer Protection Pledge,” Which Is A Written Commitment To Oppose Higher Taxes. “U.S. Senate candidate and state Sen. Leah Vukmir announced Tuesday that she has signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge. By signing this pledge, Leah commits to oppose all new taxes and tax increases. ‘Signing this pledge was a no-brainer,’ Leah said. ‘Voters can know I will work to cut taxes, not just because I signed this pledge, but because I have a track record they can count on. I’ve worked closely with Gov. Walker and Republicans in Wisconsin to cut taxes by more than $8 billion, and I will take my same determination to let people keep their hard-earned money to Washington.’” (Leah Vukmir, “Leah Signs Taxpayer Protection Pledge,” Medium, 2/6/18)
Sales Tax
As A Member Of The Dane County Board Of Supervisors, Baldwin Supported A 0.5-Cent County Sales Tax. “[Dane County Board candidate Jim] Bishop said students get minimal benefits from the county, and he believes Baldwin should have voted against the sales tax. The 1/2-cent sales tax, which took effect last April, has become a ‘big cookie jar’ for funding county programs, Bishop said. If elected, he said, he would seek to repeal the tax. … Baldwin said she would make a better County Board member because she’s more experienced. She believes the board made the right decision to impose the sales tax, she said.” (Joel Broadway, “Board Incumbent, Student Face Off,” Wisconsin State Journal, 3/10/92)
Higher Income Taxes
State Income Tax:
Baldwin Opposed A 1996 Plan To Cut State Income Taxes By $130 Million. “The Wisconsin State Journal asked candidates in this area whether they would: A. Favor the Republican plan to cut state income taxes by $ 130 million. Can the state afford it? … Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison; says the state can’t afford large tax cut …” (Mike Flaherty, “Legislative Candidates Address Tax Cut, School Choice, Other Issues,” Wisconsin State Journal, 11/3/96)
Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget:
In 2011, Baldwin Voted For A Budget Proposal Put Forth By The Congressional Progressive Caucus. (H. Con. Res. 34, Roll Call Vote #274: Failed 77-347: R 0-239; D 77-108, 4/15/11, Baldwin Voted Aye)
The Budget Of The Congressional Progressive Caucus For Fiscal Year 2012 – Also Known As “The People’s Budget” – Raised Taxes By $3.9 Trillion. “Our Budget’s Bottom Line … Revenue increase of $3.9 trillion”. (“The People’s Budget,” Congressional Progressive Caucus, Accessed 8/16/17)
Energy Tax
From Her Position On The House Energy And Commerce Committee, Baldwin “Helped Muscle Through” Cap And Trade. “But working quietly behind the scenes, Baldwin, 47, has managed to earn the confidence of Democratic leaders, hone a reputation as a skillful negotiator and lay the groundwork to push through legislation on health care, gay rights and the environment. She won a coveted seat on the powerful House Energy and Commerce committee, where this year she helped muscle through a climate change bill. … In June, Baldwin used her influence on the committee to cajole her House colleagues into supporting the climate bill, which narrowly passed by a vote of 219 to 212.” (Mark Pitsch, “Baldwin’s Long Fight For Health Care Reform,” Wisconsin State Journal, 8/30/09)
Baldwin Voted In Favor Of The Waxman-Markey Cap-And-Trade Bill In 2009. (H.R. 2454, Roll Call Vote #477: Passed 219-212: R 8-168; D 211-44, 6/26/09, Baldwin Voted Yea)
The $1.3 Trillion Omnibus
Baldwin Voted In Favor Of The March Omnibus Spending Bill. (H.R. 1625, Roll Call Vote #63: Passed 65-32: R 25-23; D 39-8; I 1-1, 3/23/18, Baldwin Voted Yea)
Vukmir Says She Would Have Voted No On The Omnibus. JOHN MUIR: “Let’s say you get to Washington, D.C. A lot of folks would be interested in how you would vote on certain matters. One that I know has raised a lot of eyebrows including my own as a fiscal conservative is the omnibus budget that was recently saw passed and signed in D.C. $1.3 trillion, increased military spending, the largest it’s ever been on the positive side, but there was a lot of waste for Democratic programs thrown in there as well. If you would have been in the current Congress, in the current Senate, how is it you would have voted on that spending plan?” LEAH VUKMIR: “I would have voted no. I would have joined Senator Ron Johnson. I believe the military spending was important, but we need to get our spending in check in general or we do risk a fiscal meltdown. And I’ve been a part of balancing budgets every single term that I have been in the legislature, and it’s, you know, fiscal responsibility is incredibly important, and we need to have people who are willing to go to Washington and understand the pressures that go with trying to vote. Not only pressures within your party, pressures outside, special interest groups. I’ve stood that test, that pressure cooker that happens here in Madison, and I believe we need that strong leaders doing the same in Washington.” (“Pro 2A Students Being Ignored, U.S. Senate Candidate Leah Vukmir Interview, Illegal Caravan Heading Our Way,” WTAQ’s Restoring Reason With John Muir, 4/3/18, @26:00)
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