The Kentucky Statehouse

AFP-KY Applauds Governor Bevin’s Plan to End Film Tax Credits

Jan 17, 2018 by AFP

Gov’s Budget Plan Ends Taxpayer Giveaways to Hollywood Executives

FRANKFORT, KY – Americans for Prosperity-Kentucky today applauded Governor Matt Bevin for proposing to end a controversial program to give generous tax credits to film studios who make movies in the Commonwealth as part of his new budget plan. As Kentucky’s leading free-market activist group, AFP-KY has been one of the most vocal critics of the program and called on lawmakers to end it during last year’s legislative session.

Americans for Prosperity-Kentucky Deputy State Director Timothy Gilliam made the following statement:

“At a time when Kentucky is facing a budget shortfall of more than $100 million and struggling to save our pension system from financial collapse, hard-working Kentucky taxpayers should not be subsidizing Hollywood millionaires. This is not the proper role of government – it is outrageous corporate welfare. Every tax dollar wasted on these film subsidies is a dollar that we can’t use to balance the budget or shore up the pension system. Our activists commend Governor Bevin for taking this step and encourage lawmakers to follow his lead, kill the film tax credits, and rein in other wasteful government spending this session.”