ARLINGTON, VA—Today, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) introduced the Agenda to End Budget Brinkmanship, a policy framework for congressional lawmakers to end the budget battles and fix the broken process causing Washington’s budget dysfunction.
AFP’s Agenda to End Budget Brinkmanship calls on the 118th Congress to examine how we got to the brink of the current debt crisis and fix what is really broken: Washington’s budget process. The Agenda outlines steps Congress can take to reform the process that’s driving our debt disaster, including creating a real budget, using better budget targets, preventing government shutdowns, fixing entitlement programs on the brink of insolvency, and reclaiming emergency powers.
From AFP’s Agenda: “For decades, both political parties have promised to bring fiscal responsibility back to Washington, and for decades both parties have failed. Budget battles and debt ceiling increases have become flashpoints to leverage for political gain, rather than a serious conversation about reform. What’s worse, the inevitable crisis looming over each negotiation often results in more reckless spending, less accountability, and another manufactured crisis-in-waiting.”
“Without a better process that helps Congress and the president actively manage the budget and pursue clear economic goals, our country’s debt problem will spiral into an ever-worsening crisis.”
Read AFP’s solutions to the debt challenges our country is facing in AFP’s Agenda to End Budget Brinkmanship HERE.
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