AFP Comments on Property Tax Credits, Education Reform and First Amendment Infringement

Jan 4, 2018 by AFP

AFP opposes Property Tax Credit bill as wrong approach to property tax reform

LINCOLN, Nebr. – Americans for Prosperity – Nebraska comments on several bills introduced during the second day of the Unicameral’s legislative session.

AFP-Nebraska policy position on bills introduced during Day Two:

Property Tax Credit – Oppose

LB 829, introduced by Sen. Erdman, would allow for a new property tax credit to be credited towards personal state income taxes.  AFP-Nebraska opposes LB 829.

“We share Sen. Erdman’s desire of reducing the property tax burden.  Unfortunately, the bill introduced today does nothing to reduce property taxes.  The property tax bill Nebraskans pay each year remains the same under LB 829, what changes is the state income tax code.  We will not solve the property tax problem by changing the income tax code.

To solve the property tax problem in Nebraska we must do three things: reduce tax rates, reduce local spending and reform our method of property appraisal for tax purposes.  Unfortunately, none of the critical elements of property tax reform are contained in LB 829.  Instead, LB 829 will allow local government to increase spending and continue to increase property taxes.  LB 829 will lead to higher taxes,” said Stevens.

Education Reform – Support

AFP supports the following bills that will increase educational opportunities for students:

LB 804, introduced by Sen. Brasch, would make K-12 tuition eligible under Nebraska’s tax advantaged educational savings plans.

“Sen. Brasch has provided a responsible solution for families who want to choose alternative learning environments for their students, but struggle to afford it.  We support LB 804 as an approach that empowers families and young learners,” said AFP Regional Director Brad Stevens.

LB 828, introduced by Sen. Lowe, adopts the Empowerment Savings Account Act.

“Recent data released by the state Department of Education shows that too many Nebraska students are struggling to read at grade level and graduate from high school.  The Empowerment Savings Account Act is a tool to provide families with the most limited of means access to greater tools and services to improve their learning.”

First Amendment Infringement – Oppose

LB 839, introduced by Sen. Crawford, would require individuals and organizations that communicate with the public regarding public policy issues to unnecessarily report to the state.

“It is imperative in a representative democracy that the free exercise of political speech should not be infringed.  We oppose Sen. Crawford’s efforts to infringe the First Amendment rights of individuals or organizations to communicate with the public regarding public policy and the issue positions of elected officials.  LB 839 is broadly written in a way that would not only ensnare organizations but also private individuals from freely expressing their opinions.  We strongly oppose this bill,” commented AFP Regional Director Brad Stevens.

For further information or an interview, reach Brad Stevens at or (402) 310-7897. 

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit
