Americans for Prosperity Press Release

AFP-AK Submits Letter in Support of Opening up ANWR

Jun 19, 2018 by AFP

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Americans for Prosperity-Alaska (AFP-AK) formally submitted a letter to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Tuesday as the public comment period on the agency’s leasing plans for parts of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge closed. The Energy Information Administration estimates U.S. cumulative production (2031-2050) could be 5.1 billion barrels higher as a result of the opening of the coastal plain area for resource development.

Click here to read the letter.

AFP-AK – State Director Jeremy Price issued the following statement:

“The energy industry is the lifeblood of Alaska, employing the most Alaskans of any industry and responsible for the most of the state’s economic activity. Opening up ANWR is supported by a majority of Alaskans and will help create more jobs, stabilize our economy, and quite possibly help with our state’s budget woes. We look forward to a quick and efficient leasing process to allow for exploration and production of the 10-02 area. Alaskans have waited long enough.”