ICYMI: AFP-Kansas Responds to Sen. Straub’s Inaccurate Claims

Nov 7, 2023 by AFP

TOPEKA, KS—Americans for Prosperity-Kansas (AFP-KS) recently responded to Senator Alicia Straub’s baseless claims published in a newsletter, aimed at diminishing the organization’s autonomy and integrity in Kansas.

In her opinion piece, Elizabeth Patton, AFP-KS State Director refutes Sen. Straub’s accusations that AFP “enjoys playing politics” among other criticisms, writing:

“Americans for Prosperity isn’t the Republican Party. In fact, we are not a party organization at all. We are a principles-based organization that fights to protect our society’s freedom. We believe the best way to do that is to hold elected officials accountable for their votes and speak directly to everyday Kansans about why it matters.

“As a permanent grassroots organization, we spend hours at doors and on phones communicating with everyday Kansans in our communities, and we have for years. We think accountability is crucial for good governance and safeguarding our freedom. So do Kansans.”

To continue reading the op-ed CLICK HERE. To interview Patton on the opportunity Sen. Straub and her colleagues had to pass systemic tax reform and help hardworking Kansans keep more of their money, email dstancavage@standtogether.org.
